
Showing posts from December, 2020

5 Habit of highly effective people

      The Five habits of highly effective people       Habit 1: “Be Proactive”   Highly effective people take the initiative. They are proactive. They do not impose They limits on themselves that prevent them from  acting. They may not be able to control their circumstances but they can decide whether to use those circumstances or be abused by them. They live by the “principles of personal vision.” Habit 2: “Set Goals”   They think carefully about their goals. Many  people spend a lifetime pursuing a goal that proves meaningless, unsatisfying, or destructive...

Prove your self wrong

The next time you think you can’t do something, prove yourself wrong. Commit to doing one more push up at the gym or closing one more sale this month. Your mind will want to quit long before your body needs to give up. Prove to yourself that you’re more capable than you give yourself credit for, and over time, your brain will stop underestimating your potential

Advice by Vivekanand to youth

Be a Hero. Always say, I have no fear . Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet. Strength is life, Weakness is Death . Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached . Talk to yourself once a day, otherwise, you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world. You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul . The greatest sin is to think yourself weak .